Tamilvanan Mani


Tamilvanan Mani is an active member of the college of physiotherapist Alberta. He graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in Physiotherapy & a Master's in Orthopaedic Physiotherapy from Annamalai University in India in 2001 & 2004 respectively. He also pursued MBA in Sports Management for TPESU India and has been practicing in Canada since 2018. Tamilvanan has more than 10 years’ experience and had worked in Academic & different clinical settings. After graduation in 2004, He worked as an Assistant professor in VIMS college of Physiotherapy in India. In 2008, he was recruited to work as a Lecturer cum Clinical Instructor at MUCH University in Kualalumpur Malaysia. Tamilvanan Mani currently Interested in orthopedic physiotherapy Adult & Geriatrics.

Tamilvanan Mani


Tamilvanan Mani is an active member of the college of physiotherapist Alberta. He graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in Physiotherapy & a Master's in Orthopaedic Physiotherapy from Annamalai University in India in 2001 & 2004 respectively. He also pursued MBA in Sports Management for TPESU India and has been practicing in Canada since 2018. Tamilvanan has more than 10 years’ experience and had worked in Academic & different clinical settings. After graduation in 2004, He worked as an Assistant professor in VIMS college of Physiotherapy in India. In 2008, he was recruited to work as a Lecturer cum Clinical Instructor at MUCH University in Kualalumpur Malaysia. Tamilvanan Mani currently Interested in orthopedic physiotherapy Adult & Geriatrics.